Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Journal Entries of a California Dreamer

[The following is my annotated summary of yet another fantastic trip to California.]

My business contact in San Francisco, prolific game designer Chris DeLeon, was so kind as to host my stay for the annual Game Developer's Conference. I used my time there to grow my knowledge of and exposure to the gaming industry. More information about that trip can be found on my other blog for Game Design and Development. Though the weather was a bit chillier than I anticipated, I found San Francisco to be a pleasant change from freezing Ithaca (still below 32 degrees!). The city itself was also quite fascinating. Aside from unceasing GDC action, I managed to force my tired body out into the town. One night I went to a bar that was gaming-themed for the evening; everybody was dancing to 8bit (video game) music while wearing masks shaped like the enemies from the Space Invader game. There were even kids playing Street Fighter 4 in the corner; only during GDC could I find this kind of place! The evening before I left San Fran, I went with Chris and his roommate John Nesky to a wedding reception at the Exploratorium. I drunkenly regressed from exploring the exhibits to blowing giant bubbles for over an hour. Awesome.

On Sunday, I took a Greyhound bus to Los Angeles. I passed the time on the long bus ride with some reading and chatting with a cute asian girl about Japan, the Japanese, and their pet penguins. I stayed with Frieda for most of the week, and we grew much closer to each other. Throughout the week I went along with her to various middle-eastern themed activities; she took me to the Levantine Cultural Center, a screening for the film Niloofar (a coming-of age story), and a performance of Salam Shalom: Enemies... Another Love Story (a Palestinian/Israeli gay love story). Oh, and there was the gay night club. When I wasn't dancing with Frieda or getting sleepy on the sidelines, I'd be repeatedly dance-raped by one of our gay possee. He liked to ask me “Are you gay?” and when I would respond, “No,” he quickly corrected me, “I'm gonna make you gay,” and kept dancing. Awkwardly hilarious!

The week ended with a long-anticipated Jamfest at Neil's house. Uncle Mike and Franchesca were not able to make it, but Tia, Adam, Neil and I rocked out for Aunt Camille and her guest. There was an amazing synchronicity this evening! We attempted to write a song, which I titled Merritime Fair because of the sound and feel of it. The song was never finished, but when we on a quick walk to pick up a couple of pizzas, we spotted a sign for a local business with the word “Meritime,” in the title. Neat, huh? The end result of the booze and drug-infused jamboree was a ridiculous recording and the unfortunately-necessary purging of dinner.

After spending two soul-gratifying weeks in California, I've finally broken through areas in my life that had previously been walled off. My professional life is now booming with activity, and my time with Frieda helped me relax and open up my heart. Though we had to be realistic and choose to go our separate ways, I'm confident in my ability to make a good relationship work when I get out of college and start to settle into my career.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Man Lessons

I was recently made aware of a highly informative website for men. No, I don't mean to find porn or camping supplies. The articles and topics of discussion inspire deep reflection and action for men who want to practice the Art of Manliness.

I encourage anyone who wants some food for thought to examine this website and form a conception of today's ideal modern man. Is that even something people aspire to become anymore? Nobody is perfect, but any man can attempt to behave as civil, intelligent type of fellow. I feel the content of this site tries to challenge the normal man of today to be conscious of their image as a man in this world, and to inspire him to be as great as his will can make him. Lofty? Yes, but achievable.

Since I've been sick, I've tried to challenge myself to become well. It was like a back and forth game with my body, trying to find out what the next step was in getting well. It was like a multiple choice test.
-Bedrest and still not well? What do you do?
-You are now taking medication and fluids, but no changes. What now?
-Correct, a doctor's visit and prescription drugs should do the trick.

I haven't spent much time blogging, cuz of trying to make these games happen. I need to step up working on them even more.. aye I want this semester to end so I can start a real life gaming job and move to California. Getting ahead of myself? Yup!

At the same time, there is still a lot to do here at Ithaca before the semester is over. I'm getting the same sense of this place as I got at C.B. West when it was close to graduation. I find myself stopping and looking at buildings, realizing that I've spent so long at this place and this would all soon be a non-Now memory. I feel slightly jaded, in that I won't miss the weather here. But the experiences I had here also seemed like time-wasters in that I followed a dream that wasn't mine. Still, those experiences made me into the psych-minded ninja game designer I am now.