Moving out of San Clemente was a whirlwind; packed up my apartment/life in less than a day, donated a car-full of stuff to Salvation Army, joined in a conscious New Years celebration in Marina Del Rey (complete with letting-go and intention-setting practices), further reduced my carload of stuff with the help of my bestest bud Dave, was treated to a goodbye-lunch with awesome coworkers from DealerSocket who I will dearly miss, and left my Honda to my Uncle Ben to sell while I travel on with only 4 pieces of luggage (to carry what I need/can't get rid of). I was emotionally hung-over for a few days after all this!
I had scheduled a brief visit to Juno Beach, Florida for a few days of beachfront decompression and reflection at my Mom and her husband John's place. My wonderful mother couldn't help but indulge me in some pampering; lots of Zero Water + iH2O, a Classical 5 Element Acupuncture treatment, a shady-yet-informative blood analysis under microscope in the back room of a health food store, loads of delicious yet health-conscious (is that possible?!) home cooked food, and a (pricy!) shopping spree. I'm now armed with some action steps to look after my health (basically a paleo-ish diet, men's multivitamin, and regular meditation), some stylish brown leather boots, a warm navy coat, and matching scarf. Basically, it was Treat Yo Self 2016!
In fact, I was also was treated to a day of shooting guns with John, which included skeet/trap shooting as well as and firing an AK at 100 yards at the range. It was my first time doing both of those, and it kicked so much ass! I chalk up my quick proficiency to John's coaching and years of hand-eye coordination via Counter-Strike, Halo, and Kill-Zone.
And now, after landing in London and nesting with my lovely girlfriend Jana, I can feel the heat on my ass to get busy and make a living! I'm still in the process of visioning (read: fighting my procrastination of visioning) while working with a website development client, and giving myself some grace to allow the process to unfold as it will. My visioning process includes listening/taking notes on Natalie Sisson's podcasts/ interviews/ one page biz plan, using Ben Awesome's intention-setting worksheet, and Chris Guillebeau's Annual Review spreadsheet. Yet, at the risk of all research and no action, I would really love to finish this all up this week before Jana and I head off to another country next week. Where is that you may ask... you'll see!
Yay- love your blog....and I miss u!