Saturday, December 26, 2009

I Pause, and Reflect on My Road

As I wait in the airport for my flight to California, I reflect on the past year of memories. I traveled to and lived in Japan, I climbed Mt. Fuji, my friend Eric Gotwols passed on from this life, and I made substantial steps (networking with industry professionals and increasing knowledge/skills) toward becoming a Game Designer.

A lot has happened to transform the way I approach my daily walk, as well as the long term journey ahead. I continue to practice a mindful-approach to daily life, finding respite in the moment and peace in my infinite inhalation/exhalation. Though difficult, it is always better to pursue authentic happiness and leave fear and worry behind. I'm sure it is this type of energetic vibration that attracts me to positive situations and people, making life the continual breeze that my wings easily catch.

I continue to discover and practice new ways of improving myself, through martial arts, positive affirmations (a.k.a. Mind re-training), and intuition training. I also continue my online research of 'hidden news' concerning alternate perceptions of reality, the looming time/events of 2012, and the possibility of contact with human extraterrestrials ( and There's a lot going on, and I can feel time speeding up. Life seems to be a lot more harmonious; I keep seeing 11:11 (or similar times of repeated digits) and my heart whispers to me that life is simply a flowing river. Don't fight the current, be humble and follow it to my next destination.

California will be an awesome vacation. I can't wait to visit all my family and share stories of Japan, this semester at school, and funny ideas/creations of my imaginative mind. I feel like this trip will give me the opportunity to express myself in a new way, and to receive some new experiences as well. I will spending a three days at a hostel on Venice Beach, and then my options are quite open. I wonder where the river will run?

I recognize there is still much to prune on my life tree. I've got a few bad habits I'd like to see wither and die rather than me needing to pluck and watch grow back later. Those who know me best could probably guess what these things are, but I don't think I'll bring them up to anyone unless they become unruly... or if they continue long enough! I hope that by focusing my energy into nurturing my strengths, these 'personality weeds' will dry up from lack of attention.

The holidays are in full swing, it makes me think about the human family. With mixed feelings I look around this airport and see a race of species both united and divided. I wonder about the human condition and ask the universe if people will ever tame their own suffering, so they more effectively assist in helping others.

Christmas has got me thinking; this whole Jesus story about repenting from sin to escape judgement seems too masculine and 'old hat' for me. During last night's sermon, I kept wanting to hear about the power of Christ to unite his flock, that we are all precious children of the Cosmos, ANYTHING that could make us feel positively charged with the intention to turn to our fellow man, extend an open palm, and say “Brother, it's great to be here on Earth with you right now.” Instead, I could only feel a collective sigh of relief; “Whew, good thing that Jesus-guy died so long ago, or else we'd all be screwed.”

I hope the next generations of religion-followers will break free from the mental constraints that their theology chains them with. I pray that they will be able to recognize and respect their own power and creativity enough to escape the indoctrination of the Church like I did; but still I know that each person has the Free Will to will make their own choices about God and the Nature of Life. I guess I just want to see the confused and afraid people of this planet be able to walk about with heads held high, hearts healed and open to one another, and minds craving the mystery of life.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Winter Updates, get your Winter Updates here!

Soooo, it's been a while since I've had steady, up-to-date posts on this blog. Quite a lot has happened since I returned from Japan, the lovable island-country that I now miss dearly. I'm actually on winter break right now, enjoying time off in snow-covered Doylestown before I fly out to California. I look forward to 2 weeks of sun, family, and In-N-Out Burger (seriously, it's the best freakin burger you will ever have).

This past semester, I continued to work closer towards finishing my custom-made undergrad degree, Games and Society. In addition to making a video game, drawing/painting, and writing poems/short stories, I took some more 'philosopical' classes about Society, Technology, Religion, and Virtual Worlds. While on winter break, I plan to construct my own independent study to make video games and distribute them on the internet, get feedback, and modify the prototypes. I'm on my way to becoming a great Game Designer... horay for chasing my dreams!

Arnold and I have gotten more serious about training. We've moved into western martial arts, and are studying fencing and longsword combat. Also, we've been meeting at the gym 3-4 mornings a week to do weight training, cardio, and ab workouts. Gotta get these bodies into peak fighting condition!

And of course, it wouldn't be college if I didn't meet some new friends, hook up with a few girls, and take a psychadelic journey. Quite a busy semester, but ah, what great times! Next semester will be my last, and I've already got plans for snowboarding, seeking internships in the computer gaming industry, going to GDC in San Francisco, and taking my motorcycle for romps through the woods. I can't wait to graduate, but there's still much to do!

Though we plan out much of our lives out, there are still so many questions and uncertainties to face. We ask ourselves: "Where will I be in 6 months? A year? Will I make steps closer to fulfilling my purpose? Am I satisfied with my path, my relationships, my career, my life?" I try to face these unknowns with a light heart, humor, and persistance.

What about this 2012 stuff? I've been researching this issue for about 3 years, finding all sorts of interpretations of what will happen during/after this time. I believe humanity is in for some interesting times ahead, and we're all about to get rocked with new discoveries. I can't help but question what the future holds: what kinds of realities will we create for ourselves and others? how will people change and evolve through the alchemy of time? what do extra-terrestrial species look/act like, and what hidden knowledge/skills do they have? Keep your eyes and ears open, brothers and sisters!

Be sure to check out these other Blogs of mine:

Integral Gamer- where I write reviews about video games, through the philosophical lenses of psychology, sociology, and games (as systems of play).

Fist of Fury- an outlet for my primal obsession with survival skills, as I continue to learn more about martial arts, weapons, and preparations for the Zombie apocalypse (maybe?).

The Future of this Blog- I want to practice my narrative writing skills by chronicling my ongoing adventures in Ithaca/wherever I am. I also want to share my evolving spirituality/emotionality/mentality/worldview, with open-mindedness towards changing perspectives on life. That's what blogs are for, yeah?

Final Words:
As contrived as the Christmas/Holiday season is, I think that a glance beyond the glitz, gifts, and repetitive 50's songs can reveal something more meaningful. Whatever you get out of the winter holidays, I hope we all can remember that authentic happiness is available 24/7/365.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Part 5: Energetic Descent

It was finally time get off of the mountain, and I have to say, going down is MUCH easier than climbing up! I was almost running down the mountain, my spirit enlivened by the constantly beautiful view of the valley as well as the iTunes music I forgot I had brought with me. and NO, the music didn't take away from the natural scenery. It actually gave me the needed psychological boost to enhance my physical performance, especially in my worn-down state.

I quickly skipped and slid down the path, passing the slower travelers with care and stopping occasionally to empty the rocks from my shoes. Around an hour into the descent, I struck up a conversation with a group of japanese young adults. They were around 24 years old, and they came from the city. One of them offered me a CalorieMate (energy bar), and I gladly received the morning snack. I spoke briefly with him about martial arts and studying Kendo. Under the instruction of his father, this guy studied kendo for several years. Quite the person to meet on the steep slopes of Fuji!

After the brief five hour descent, it was finally time rest. I met up with the rest of my group at 5th station lodge. Julia had almost reached the top but turned back at the last minute! The others had all just finished their descent a few hours before I returned. We enjoyed the stillness of our bodies over conversation and lunch.

Before long, we walked from the cabin and took a 30 minute bus ride to the bottom of the mountain. I reflected on my journey, appreciating the whole experience. In my respite of the cushy bus seat, my statistics for the past day ran through my mind as after completing a level in a video game.

Total play time: 29.5 hours
Total Time ...
Uphill ascent – Walking: 14 hours
Uphill ascent – Bussing: 0 hours
Downhill descent – Walking: 5 hours
Downhill descent – Bussing: .5 hours
Sleeping time: 5 hours
Resting time: 5 hours

Climb a mountain: Accomplished.