It was finally time get off of the mountain, and I have to say, going down is MUCH easier than climbing up! I was almost running down the mountain, my spirit enlivened by the constantly beautiful view of the valley as well as the iTunes music I forgot I had brought with me. and NO, the music didn't take away from the natural scenery. It actually gave me the needed psychological boost to enhance my physical performance, especially in my worn-down state.
I quickly skipped and slid down the path, passing the slower travelers with care and stopping occasionally to empty the rocks from my shoes. Around an hour into the descent, I struck up a conversation with a group of japanese young adults. They were around 24 years old, and they came from the city. One of them offered me a CalorieMate (energy bar), and I gladly received the morning snack. I spoke briefly with him about martial arts and studying Kendo. Under the instruction of his father, this guy studied kendo for several years. Quite the person to meet on the steep slopes of Fuji!
After the brief five hour descent, it was finally time rest. I met up with the rest of my group at 5th station lodge. Julia had almost reached the top but turned back at the last minute! The others had all just finished their descent a few hours before I returned. We enjoyed the stillness of our bodies over conversation and lunch.
Before long, we walked from the cabin and took a 30 minute bus ride to the bottom of the mountain. I reflected on my journey, appreciating the whole experience. In my respite of the cushy bus seat, my statistics for the past day ran through my mind as after completing a level in a video game.
Total play time: 29.5 hours
Total Time ...
Uphill ascent – Walking: 14 hours
Uphill ascent – Bussing: 0 hours
Downhill descent – Walking: 5 hours
Downhill descent – Bussing: .5 hours
Sleeping time: 5 hours
Resting time: 5 hours
Climb a mountain: Accomplished.
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